Graduate from the Institut d’études politiques de Paris.
Assistant Chief of Staff to the President of the Senate (1998-2002) Parliamentary Advisor of the Minister of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rural Affairs (2002-2004) Parliamentary Advisor of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry (2004-2005) Parliamentary Advisor of the Prime Minister (2005-2007) Head of International Relations of Canal + Group (2007- 2009) Director of Public Affairs of Canal Overseas (2009-2011) Head of Public Affairs of Canal + Group (2011-2012) Chairman of the Communication and Lobbying Committee of Gesac (Groupement européen des sociétés d’auteurs et de compositeurs) (2013-2015) General Secretary of APAP (Association des professionnels des affaires publiques) (since October 2010) Director of Public Affairs of Sacem (Société des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique) (since September 2012)